As of May, 2017, the Center has 74 English instructors, and 26 support staff members. 20 teachers hold Master degrees. 24 teachers hold Bachelors of Education in English Instruction. 18 teachers hold Bachelors of Business Administration, and one holds a Bachelor of Khmer Literature. The rest were specially trained by Sister Joseen Vogt, OSF, Msc., MA., former coordinator and professional consultant to the Center. Before they were selected for English Teacher Training Courses, they had already completed at least level 9 in the Center. Therefore, our staff was well qualified in term of English proficiency and teaching methodology.

In addition, teaching staff continue to upgrade their teaching skills and English language proficiency by attending short advanced courses, and weekly professional sessions. A number of teachers are pursuing Master degree of Business Administration, and Bachelor degree in Education or Business Administration. One is doing her Doctor degree in Curriculum Teaching and Learning , University of Toronto, Canada after completing her master degree on the Fulbright scholarship. Three teachers of the Center were awarded with the US Fulbright scholarship in 2005, 2007, and 2009 respectively. One went to the University of Illinois for the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language. Another one went to the University of Southern Illinois for the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language. The last one went to the State University of New York at Buffalo for the Master of Education in Curriculum Teaching and Learning

One teacher was awarded with a European scholarship for a master degree program at Norton University and the other was offered a Thai scholarship for a master degree program at Khorn Kaen University, Thailand.